Harry Potter Decal Stickers and Wall Decor
Harry Potter decal stickers make it even easier to change up your room decor and are great for occasions such as parties and also Halloween too when you want a quick change or alteration.
We found some pretty fun looking decal and wall poster designs when we were browsing online. This selection of wall decor is our favorite pick from what is readily available. They are designs that should appeal to other fans of all ages.
Check out the really super gag design near the end of this page because if you've watched all the movies, you should have a bit of a laugh at that one.
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Great Selection of Harry Potter Decal Stickers, Posters and Wall Decor for a Bedroom, Geek or Dorm Room
I'm a long time fan of the the magical and fun Harry Potter stories. I still enjoy watching the movies along with my daughter who is a bit of mini geek too. We love adding rather cool and movie themed posters and wall art around the home in order to color it up somewhat.
Gryffindor and Hogwarts Crest Wall Decals
Get these Gryffindor and Hogwarts Crest Wall Decals from Amazon.com
UK Readers get a Wall Decal from Amazon.co.uk
These crests for the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and also Gryfinndor are decal stickers that you can apply to a smooth wall or other smooth surface areas such as interior doors as well.
This is an awesome looking set of decal decoration stickers for fans of HP who can then go on and easily decorate a bedroom, classroom or dorm room to look like you’ve walked into a truly magical world.
I love the idea of transforming rooms into something completely different with the decor and these stickers are a rather easy way to achieve that. They need a flat surface to adhere to or use a piece of flat board instead which you can either prop up or hang.It looks brilliant I think.
Buy this Gryffindor House Art Poster from EntropyTradingCo on Etsy
If you want to belong in Gryffindor, house of the brave, daring and true, then get this inspired poster art which is available in a range of sizes and printed on high quality photo paper for you.
Platform 9 ¾ Harry Potter Train Poster Print
Get this Harry Potter Platform 9 3/4 Poster from Amazon.com
UK Readers get a Potter Poster from Amazon.co.uk
You can instantly turn a dorm room, bedroom or even a rather cool classroom into something truly magical and very unique with this iconic poster. This one is based on the Hogwarts Express train platform 9 3/4 as shown in the movies.
You can just hang this up on a wall or over a flat surface such as a door. If you don’t have any flat surface to stick this up on then why not place it first on some board and then hang the board up or even stand or prop it against the wall.
I’m lucky to have actually visited the real version of this train platform which is at Kings Cross station in London, UK. Unfortunately, it's all now really a little bit overly commercialized now from when we saw it so you can expect to find a rather big queue if you do go and visit it yourself.
Please note that it doesn't actually work so don't go headbutting the wall anytime soon! However, you can now get a little piece of this famous platform for yourself (with no long queues and no having to wait in line!) with this really pretty awesome poster.
Harry Potter the Undesirable No 1 Wall Decor Poster
Get this Undesirable No 1 Poster of Harry Potter from Amazon.com
UK Readers get a Potter Poster from Amazon.co.uk
This poster offers a fictitious reward when you find the boy wizard himself who now has a price of 10,000 galleons on his head. Turn this truly undesirable character in to the Ministry of Magic and maybe you'll have plenty of money to buy this awesome looking design. This is a fun looking movie prop for a room such as a bedroom or dorm room and could also make for a a fun piece of party decor too. I like this one to put out for Halloween when undesirables are just the thing!
This boy wizard became an undesirable after his supposed involvement in the death of Albus Dumbledore. Harry became the no 1 wanted wizard while there were many more characters who were also sought after for being members in the Order of the Phoenix and also being seen as muggle sympathizers. You can relive these moments in the Deathly Hallows movies.
Wizards Only Beyond This Point Plastic Sign to Hang Up
Get this Wizards Only Beyond this Point Sign from Amazon.com
UK Readers get a Harry Potter Sign from Amazon.co.uk
I love the look of this really fun and novel Wizards Only Beyond this Point eye-catching plastic sign in red and black. This one is a plastic sign which you can use indoors or outdoors by hanging up. I have also seen it available as an unframed, laminated or framed poster item to hang up for a bedroom, dorm room, classroom or someplace else.
The plastic version I think is more versatile because it can be used outdoors and maybe you want it for an outside door or an entry to a hut or someplace in the garden or yard.
Although this design is not an actual or official Harry Potter piece of merchandise, it is of course highly suggestive of this particular boy wizard and that's helped because the wizarding hat is also in the same style too. Anyone seeing this is going to immediately think of HP, I know I did! This is a great item for anyone to pop up in a room to add something novel to the fun fantasy decor. This one is 12 x 18 inches in size and should look great on a blank space of wall or even a door. You can look for other sizes too if they will work better in your space.
Ministry of Magic Gag Decal Sticker for the Bathroom
Get a Ministry of Magic Toilet Decal Sticker from Amazon.com
UK Readers get a HP Toilet Sticker from Amazon.co.uk
Give your guests a laugh when they visit the bathroom with this fun looking gag prank of a novelty toilet decal sticker. This would also make a great gag gift to buy for a real fan of the books and movies because they will totally get the joke.
You have to flush yourself down the toilet to get into the ministry of magic in the HP movies which means that true fans will appreciate this fun gag. I love this one, I just could not stop laughing when I saw it. Of all the decor pieces to get on this theme, this one is a bit of a must-have for the bathroom and especially if you have a HP themed bathroom.
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