The Magnificent Musketeer Costume Guide
Bright Yellow Duck Costumes for Kids

My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Costumes for Kids

Rainbow Dash is quite simply the cutest and the most colorful character that comes from the My Little Pony range of products. There are some great Rainbow Dash costumes for kids, party clothes that can be worn and enjoyed for more special occasions, outfits for Halloween and even some items to be worn everyday.

You can buy some fantastic costumes for kids based on this pony who has a rainbow mane and tail. Highlighted on this page are some wonderful clothes that children can wear for all kinds of dressing up.

Our very favorite My Little Pony character has to be this one who is colored blue and has stunning rainbow color hair. We love that she is so colorful and cute. My daughter and I really love her striking multi colored mane and tail best of all since we can have fun styling her hair.

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Great Selection of My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Costumes for Kids

Young fans of the colorful Rainbow Dash My Little Pony (MLP) should look ever so cute when dressed up in this sweet and fun novelty kid's hoodie shown below. It comes complete with a mane of colorful hair as well as ears and an adorable little pair of wings right on the back of the top, just ready for flight.

My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Little Girls Costume Hoodie Kids Sweatshirt

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This hoodie is an officially licensed item that has a very colorful picture of this character right across the front of the bright and breezy sky blue fabric. It comes with a hood that is complete with adorable pony ears and a multi colored section of fabric hair all the way down to the back of the top's neck.

This baby horse has wings and can fly so that actually makes her a breed of Pegasus. We think this must make her the most magical of all the ponies you can get.

girl wearing rainbow dash my little pony hoodie zipper top and unicorn horn

Girl wearing a bright colored Rainbow Dash hoodie top and a unicorn horn costume accessory.

Image Credit: Shared by Liz Henry on Flickr with a CC License

It’s a totally adorable looking top that girls should love to wear for everyday play as well as for dressing up and even for Halloween costumes too. I’m in love with it myself. For wearing as a costume, I'd team it up with some sky blue pants or a skirt and some funky rainbow leg warmers or socks as well.

Disguise Rainbow Dash Tutu Deluxe My Little Pony Costume Dress GirlsGIRLS RAINBOW DASH DELUXE COSTUME dress wings at backRAINBOW DASH TUTU PRESTIGE COSTUME for girls kidsMy Little Pony Little Girls Rainbow Dash Hoodie, Blue/Multi, Hood

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Extra details include the rainbow and the cloud symbol on the zipper as well as a little pair of glitter wings and even a fun multi color tail too. You can see extra photos showing the back and side of this costume on the product page.

My Little Pony Girls' Dress with Ruffles and Wings

Get this Girls My Little Pony Dress from

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This is an adorable looking little tunic dress for a young girl in bright blue with a netted sparkle skirt section, ruffled sleeves at the tops and stick out wings on the back.

Young fans of Dash the pony should be super excited to wear this pretty outfit. It can be worn for any occasion of course but makes a really good dressing up costume. With the sparkly details it could also be just perfect for a party.

Disguise Hasbro's My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Tutu Prestige Girls Costume

View this Rainbow Dash Tutu Style Dress from

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Hasbro have come up and designed a pretty cute looking dressing up gown or frock made for girly girls with this adorably sweet looking design. This costume set includes a gorgeous looking tutu style dress with zipper closure. It is emblazoned across with a large image of our favorite pony on the front and those shimmering and glittery rainbow colors all across the wide tutu skirt area.

Also included in the price is a sweet little headband with ears and a bow as well as an optional tail which can be worn or not depending what your little one decides to do. This makes for a lovely looking dressing up outfit. It should also be a good choice for trick or treating this Halloween too because who wouldn’t want to look just like this beautiful character? You can spread happiness everywhere with just the dash of a rainbow.

My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Beanie Hat and Gloves

Buy this My Little Pony Set of Beanie Hat and Gloves

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This set could be ideal for Halloween and also as a cool winter warmer or accessory. I love that you get some matching gloves along with a cute looking hat. The hat features embroidered eyes, ears, plaited tassels and a rainbow color mane. The gloves have an embroidered rainbow.

Anime Friends MLP Dash Anime Costume

For cosplay or for Halloween, you can add on a rainbow wig, striped rainbow socks, wings, ear headband and wear along with a standard t-shirt for this character.

Image Credit: Shared by Ricardo on Flickr with a CC License

Kids can dress just like their favorite colorful horse character from the MLP range with an awesome one-size hoodie costume hat accessory, not shown. This is a fun hat that sits loosely over a child's head (just like a hoodie does) but without the rest of the top to go along with it. It has terribly cute looking pony ears plus brightly colored faux fur used for the mane as well as some brightly colored pom poms too. I think it looks adorable.

A hoodie or hat can make a pretty quick and easy way for you to build or create a Halloween costume for kids because you can simply pair up a hat with some brightly colored matching clothes and perhaps even some rainbow leg or arm warmers to look totally in character. Costume wings for the Rainbow Dash pony can also be purchased separately too.

Of course, you can just pair up some costume wings for this pony with a few other accessories such as a hood or a hairband and some rainbow arm or leg warmers. There are also tail pieces you can purchase too. Dressing up has never been so colorful! Hope it's given you some great ideas.

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