Beauty and the Beast BELLE Costumes for Adults
If you're looking to be the real belle of the ball this Halloween, the Beauty and the Beast Belle costumes for adults are bang on trend.
Emma Watson wears 3 main, stand out, dresses and costumes during the course of the whole movie. I'll be looking at all three of these dresses on this detailed ladies Beauty and the Beast costume guide.
First there is her ordinary blue dress from her small town, provincial life. Next we have her stunning yellow dress that she wears during her dance with the Beast. Finally we have what some people are calling her wedding dress which is a gorgeous floral design.
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Beauty and the Beast BELLE Costumes for Adults: The Dresses
Image Credit: Shared by Jennie Park on Flickr with a CC License
Out of the available Belle costumes for women, you'll find it easiest to get hold of her golden yellow dance dress and her blue provincial village frock.
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To really nail the whole look for the character of Belle, you'll want to wear one of the 3 main costume dresses that Emma Watson has on during the latest movie. The floral 'wedding' dress that she wears at the end will be a challenge to find but the blue and yellow dresses are easy to get hold of.
Beauty and the Beast Belle Yellow Dress
This is the more elegant and refined yellow organza dress that Emma Watson wears as Belle. It has a softer, layered look.
The new version of the golden yellow ball gown features a short sleeve corset style top bodice. It is not an actual corset as Emma Watson refused to wear one. Good on her - she has a great figure already.
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Emma's yellow dress is made from a yellow satin organza fabric which is very light and this shows in how well it moves and flows with grace as she dances. The skirt part of the dress is made from three main layers of organza cut at different lengths.
⭐ View my Complete Belle Yellow Ball Gown Costume Guide
Beauty and the Beast Belle costumes are always most heavily associated with the bright yellow dress. This Disney princess is no shy and retiring wallflower. The new yellow dress, however, has a lot more elegance than older versions.
When you look closely at the dress, you can see some beautiful and delicate gold accents around the edges of each organza layer on the skirt section. These gold accents fly down magically from the ceiling in the movie when Madame De Garderobe is dressing Belle for her ball.
Accessories for Belle's Yellow Dress Costume
The obvious choice of accessory for Belle's yellow dress is a single, red rose. This is the rose that the Enchantress has given to the Beast. Every petal fall marks one step closer to him remaining a beast forever.
Image Credit: Shared by Juliana Coutinho on Flickr with a CC License
The accessories that you need to make this costume convincing are very understated and elegant. Belle wears a gold colored Tree of Life pendant necklace which is a pretty branch design with diamond style stones dangling off.
Her hair is mostly left long and free, mirroring the lightness of the dress. Some of the hair is taken from each side and swept up at the back of Belle's head into a bun style with gold color leaves hair accessories which appear to match with her jewelry.
Her shoes have the style of French court shoes with a heel and are a golden color to match all the accessories and accents on her dress.
Beauty and the Beast Belle Blue Dress Costume
There must be more than this provincial life! The re-imagined blue dress for the 2017 Beauty and the Beast movie. Note the different fabrics with some added reds to lift some life into the blues.
Image Credit: Shared by Kevin Cabral on Flickr with a CC License
For the new movie, Belle's blue dress has had a clever makeover. The old style dress was a solid bright blue short sleeve dress worn over a plain white long sleeve shirt and the addition of a plain white apron tied round the waist.
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The new blue dress, as worn by Emma Watson, is still a short sleeve dress worn over a long sleeve white shirt. But there are new and more interesting differences. Instead of a solid and bright blue dress, we have a predominantly blue gown that is made from a range of different fabrics and cleaning rags tucked into the waistband.
⭐ Visit my Complete Belle Blue Dress Costume Guide
It looks as though Belle has sewn together lots of materials in a make do and mend fashion. It highlights that this is no actual princess. She lives a modest life with her father in a small and provincial town or village and has no real thought for fashion.
You'll see checks and stripes used together on the dress along with a touch of red. We have also lost the iconic white apron and instead have a blue check fabric with other fabrics and patterns folded on top. I love this new look.
Costume Accessories for Belle's Blue Dress
The older, traditional style blue dress costume for Belle with appropriate accessories of a wicker basket and a book.
Image Credit: Shared by vincent lee on Flickr with a CC License
With the older version of the blue dress, you'd expect to see Princess Belle carrying a simple wicker basket which she would use for carrying produce and food.
A more appropriate accessory for Emma Watson's version of Belle is to carry a book. Belle is a real bookworm even though her provincial life only has a tiny library.
The book theme continues in the new movie when she meets the Beast and he introduces her to his castle's amazing library. When she asks if he has read all the books in the library he says, "well, not the ones in Greek."
There is a necklace to go with the blue dress costume. This is a simple cord choker necklace and you can buy handmade versions.
Emma Watson's Belle wears ankle length brown boots instead of flat shoe pumps as worn by the original princess.
Belle Wedding Celebration Dress Emma Watson
You will be hard pressed to find this dress ready made for an adult to wear. There is a version for kids called the Deluxe Celebration Dress made by Disney but, so far, nothing for women.
This dress is a beautiful creamy white, soft dress with long sleeves and a very gorgeous spring flower design pattern.
You can see a photo of this dress on HarpersBazaar.
In the new movie, it is rather ambiguous as to whether this is a wedding gown or not. I guess the viewer can make up their own mind as to whether Belle and the Beast lived happily ever after. I think we know they did.
After the brilliant live action movie featuring Emma Watson, these costumes are set to be the most popular and sought after theme for many years to come.
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