Cute Eskimo Halloween Costumes for Women
An Eskimo inspired choice of outfit for adult women makes a wonderful look for winter themed Halloween fancy dress and parties during the cold season. Wrap up for the cold with cute Eskimo Halloween costumes that come styled with faux fur, snow boots and sweet pom poms.
You've made a brilliant choice in selecting an Eskimo style of fashion which makes an adorable looking outfit for females and also looks highly attractive on women. Most outfits consist of sweet short winter skirts or fur trim hooded dresses and boot tops lined with plush, white faux fur.
Dress up as a winter goddess this year with the ideas and inspiration you'll discover on this page. You can choose to buy a ready-made outfit or use the tips here to put together your own cute design of style instead.
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Sassy and Cute Eskimo Inuit Inspired Halloween Costumes and Outfits for Women to Wear
Image Credit: Original image shared by Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay with a CC License
Nowadays, Eskimo (Inuit and Yupik peoples) wear very modern styles of clothing. Traditionally, these people wore animal skins such as Caribou skins that would keep them warm and protect them from the freezing, ice cold weather.
A cute Eskimo Halloween costume for a woman will be hooded and lined with some faux fur trim all around the hood and the bottom of the skirt.
A costume might additionally feature cute pom poms too based on the look and style of some traditional outfits. Real designs were often beautifully made and decorated with the addition of fur pieces and beading.
Most of these ready to wear outfits will come in a natural color of tan or chocolate brown with faux fur accents although you sometimes get white and gray too.
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There is a really good-looking Eskimo dress outfit from California Costumes that includes the hooded dress and also the matching boot covers too. Having the hood attached on to to the dress gives you the option to wear the costume in a few different ways and get alternate looks and styles.
Try wearing the dress with the hood up to hide most of your hair, possibly ideal for a bad hair day, or alternatively wear it with the hood down. Wear the hood down if you really want to emphasize some other matching accessory such as some cute winter style fur ear muffs or braided hair.
If boot covers come supplied with your costume, they can easily be worn right over the top of your own boots or shoes to look like a pair of cute Ugg boots or similar.
Hair Styling and Wigs for This Look
If you're going for that traditional look and style, then you really need to opt for dark brown to black color hair. Blonde Eskimo women were simply not as common as dark haired ones and it looks a little out of place.
If you look into archives of old photos showing the women, they tended to grow their hair extremely long and would often tie it back in some fashion into plaits and braids. There are lots of photos depicting women with two braids, one hanging down at either side of their face.
If you have very long hair to work with, you can braid it yourself. Alternatively, purchase a long, dark haired wig that you can braid or leave it loose and flowing underneath the hood of your dress.
Winter Boots and Footwear: Mukluk Eskimo Inuit Boots
Traditional Inuit boots are long boots that are known commonly as Mukluks. These are soft boots often made from reindeer or seal skins. Mukluks can be lined with fur from animals such as rabbits, raccoons and foxes and might be decorated even further with pom poms and beading.
The boots would be long to help insulate the feet well from any cold creeping in to the feet. You can purchase traditional boots or opt for a long boot topped with some faux fur.
Accessories for this Eskimo Choice of Outfit
It may be very cliche or stereotyped but pom poms and Eskimo costumes are well associated. You will often see pom poms hanging from the neckline of the dress and from the boots too. You can buy ready made fur pom poms to decorate your own outfit or boots with.
Alternatively, you could have a go at making your own pom poms with some wool. If you don't want to use a special pom pom maker, just wind some wool around the prongs of a fork. Once full, tie a knot between the wool in the middle prongs and snip the wool at each end of the form before slipping off your finished pop pom.
Eskimo Make Up
Traditional peoples of old would not have worn any makeup. If that's the look you want to capture then you need a nude face which you can smooth out with a good foundation, perhaps a slick of lip gloss and some blusher to give that rosy cheeked look that you tend to get from being out in the cold.
For more of a fantasy style, you might want to have a frosty makeup style and go wild with some white mascara or fake eyelashes which look like they're covered in frost for that winter look.
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